In cybersmart, we had to look for a problem in our blogs and find a solution. We had to work in pairs. So we found our problem. Our problem was `not enough comments on our blogs'. What causes this was long, boring, uninteresting posts. This makes the person who bloged unsure if they did it right. What stops people from commenting is that people are too lazy and they think that persons' blog is uncool like the person.
So our solution is to make a programme where at the end of the week the person from my class who made the most comments gets a reward. They will have a tracksheet where if they make a comment, they will fill the blank beside their name with the date and the person's name who they commented on. Here is a link on how the tracksheet looks
Please give me feedback on how I did. And feel free to ask questions😊.
Kia ora Wajihah
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with the work that you have done in Cybersmart. You worked hard to create a template to track comments that also makes my job easier! Thank you for sharing your ideas.
I like how you included images in this post to make it more eye catching! A suggestion for next time would be to include a screenshot of your chart to include to show what it is that you created for 8Bh!
Well done!
- Miss Birtch