The Story- Ruaumoko is the son of Ranginui (the god of the sky) and Papatuanuku (the goddess of Earth), is responsible for the earthquakes. Ru, in the Maori dictionary, means shake. Au means smoke and Moko means lizards (also tattoo). This legend began with Rangi and Papa's separation. It is thought to be that at the time Papa was turned face down Ruaumoko was on her breast. All the rumblings are caused by the twists, turns, and attempts to escape. He is also responsible for the change in seasons. His reputation in Maori mythology is as a kind god who lives in the belly of his mother. But also known as a harmful force of destruction once unleashed.
Explanation- Ruaumoko is responsible for the earthquakes and the change in seasons by moving in his mother's belly.
Relation to science- When a baby kicks, twists, or turns in the mother's womb, it vibrates, and when an earthquake happens it also vibrates.