
Friday, 29 September 2017

Sunken Forest

7 Ld was reading a book called Sunken Forest. It was a amazing story. There were 30 chapters in the book which we read. 

Image result for sunken forest book
The main characters were Mathew Smith, Nana, Cameron, Jay, Paul, Azura,Policeman- Lews Armstrong(satch).Mathew Smith, Paul and Azura were friends in the camp while Cameron and Jay were bullying Mathew Smith because his father was in jail.The story took place in Gisborne, Lake Mokau and Lake Waikaremoana. The plot of this story is about a boy called Mathew Smith. He was accused for stealing some money. He was sent to a camp for his punishment. He saw a big eel made friend with it. A storm came and made a dam which was going to burst because  of over flowing. He saw a shiney watch in the eels lake an d he discovered that the eel likes shiny things so he exchanged a shiny chain with the watch and he saved everyone from the burst of dam. He was called a hero.My favorite part was when everyone called him a hero.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

The Water Cycle

Aim: To make our water cycle.


  1. Plastic Bag.
  2. Water.
  3. 3 drops of food colouring.
  4. Vivid marker.
  5. Cello tape. 
  1. draw a diagram on the plastic bag of the water cycle with the vivid.
  2. Adda small amount of water to the plastic bag.
  3. Add food colouring to the water.
  4. Cello tape the water cycle on the window.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Image result for simple leafImage result for compound leaf

Our Adolescent Brochure

My class and I were making a booklet. The booklet was called Adolescent Brochure. It was to explain adolescent(teenagers) students what is puberty. So we started to make brochures for advice. There were four pages of advice.

The first page was about Puberty Changes for Boys. The second page was about Puberty Changes for Girls. The third page was about Personal hygiene and the last page was about What we can do to help that person who is in puberty.

In puberty changes for  boys, we wrote about what happens.In puberty changes for girls again wrote what happens.In personal hygiene we wrote what should do to maintain our hygiene and what happens and in the last page we wrote about helping that person who is going through puberty to understand what is happening to him or her.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Our New Topic For Kete

On a rainy Monday, 7Tz and 7Ld went to 7Sh to watch a movie. The movie was called " The Lorax" it was about maintaining a sustainable environment and it was the next topic in our Kete.

Image result for lorax
The movie was telling us to maintain a sustainable environment and stop deforestation. It wants us to think about the benefit of a sustainable environment, and what can a polluted environment do to our health.The key concepts of the movie was environmentalism, and sustainability.
Image result for lorax trees cutting down

My thoughts are to maintain a sustainable environment, and to plant more tree instead of cutting. The Lorax's thoughts were to plant more trees.We live in a sustainable environment and the Lorax lived in a polluted environment.

Image result for lorax treesImage result for lorax saying we speak for the trees