
Friday, 11 August 2017

About Me - An Introduction

LO-I'm learning to introduce myself

My name is Wajihah Jahan and I'm from Fiji. I'm new to Hornby High School and I'm in 7ld. I like going to school, following my religion, reading and writing. I don't like children not going to school. At my previous school l used to learn English, Maths, Basic Science, Health Science, Social Science and Urdu.  Urdu is a religious subject in Fiji.

My favourite subjects in school were English, Maths and Urdu. That was all I wanted you to know about me. Since I've started school I'enjoyed making new friends and learned new things.

Fiji is a wonderful country. People come to Fiji to visit our country. There are many wonderful places in Fiji. The capital of Fiji is Suva.  Levuka was the old capital of Fiji.

Fijian Flag

Fiji is a beautiful country. People come to Fiji as tourists.

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