
Friday, 31 May 2019

12 ways to write a sentence- Essay

5. The Adverb sentence: We use it to add interest and intrigue.
Adverb (comma) sentence
Quickly, Curiously, Interestingly, Importantly, Firstly, Often, Almost, remarkably, similarly, significantly, surprisingly, readily, happily, consequently.

Example: Surprisingly, everyone was at school on time.

Firstly, we read the Merchant of Venice a book written by William Shakespeare.
Secondly, we wrote the essay with the help of our lovely teacher.

11. The W-start sentence: We use it to sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.
Who, while, whilst, when, where, what, whereas.

Example: While the teacher was talking, Alesha was watching Youtube.

When I was in year 6, my sister was in year 8.
While Mom was cooking, I was setting the table.
Whereas I was washing the dishes, my mom cleaned the house.

While my sister was watching the T.V, Surprisingly, she slept while watching.

Quickly, everybody evacuated the building as the fire started to spread out.
While everyone was evacuating the building, Lisa was still in the room.

6. Begin with a preposition: Prepositions are words that indicate location or movement.
In, on, at, between, against, over, under, before, after, behind, within, for, throughout, near, about.

Example: Throughout the class, the students worked on their writing.

Before the bell went, all the students were in the class.
In the beginning, the story was really boring.

4. Red, White, And Blue: Use this when you need to give more than one idea on a topic.

Example: The idea of racism is memorable in `The Merchant of Venice' because of Shylock, Judaism, and conflict.
The essentials of rugby are kicking, passing, and tackling.

All you need for success are hard work, support, and hope.
My favorite ice cream flavors are Vanilla, Chocolate, and Banana.

Basic Introduction- 

Q= Quote- from the text
R=Rhetorical question- A question you don't have to answer.

T= Tittle- `The Merchant of Venice'
A= Author- William Shakespeare
K= Key argument- use words from the question. 
      What are you arguing
      A key moment that surprised was when Shylock didn't get his pound of flesh.
      A key moment that shocked the reader was when Antonio agreed to forfeit a pound of his flesh to Shylock if he didn't repay his bond.
O= Outline- The 3 things you are going to write about
                     Red, White and Blue sentence
Red= he was willing to die for money to give Bassanio.
White= Shylock hate each other.
Blue= Shylock doesn't show mercy.
" If you wrong us shall we not revenge?". ( Shakespeare- Shylock) Have you ever felt like taking revenge? In William Shakespeare `The Merchant of Venice'  A key moment that shocked the reader was when Antonio agreed to forfeit a pound of his flesh to Shylock if he didn't repay his bond. This moment was shocking, outrageous and fascinating. This moment was important to the text as a whole because Shylock and Antonio didn't like each other but still agreed on the bond, Antonio was willing to risk his life for Bassanio, and Shylock did not show mercy in claiming his bond.

Basic  Body Paragraph x3 #1

P= Point-  The moment when Antonio agreed the bond was shocking because Shylock and Antonio didn't get along.
E= Evidence-  Antonio was a Merchant and Shylock made a living lending people money with interest. While Shylock charged interest, Antonio lent money without interest and scorned Shylock for doing so. He also spat at Shylock and called him " cut-throat dog". 
E- Explain-  Therefore, the reader is shocked to discover Antonio and Shylock can come to an agreement about money lending. It is also shocking because it is when Shylock calls Antonio out for the way he treats him, Antonio tells Shylock that he will spit on him and call him a dog again. This treatment is not usual between people who make agreements.
L- Link-  With treatment like this from Antonio towards Shylock, and a promise to be just as cruel in the future, it is shocking that they both agreed to the bond.

Basic Body Paragraph#2

P= Point- Another reason this is shocking is that Antonio is willing to die for Bassanio.
E= Evidence- Antonio agreed to give a pound of flesh to pay to Shylock if he could not pay the money on time. He needed the money for Bassanio to buy a ring for a girl he loved(Portia). He could have given money to Bassanio himself but his ships with money were in the ocean (which could sink any minute).
E=Explain-Bassanio and Antonio are close and best friends. Antonio would do anything for Bassanio
L= Link- 

Mirror Conclusion- TAKOL

T= Tittle- `The Merchant of Venice'
A= Author- William Shakespeare
K= Key argument- use words from the question. 
      What are you arguing
      A key moment that surprised was when Shylock didn't get his pound of flesh.
      A key moment that shocked the reader was when Antonio agreed to forfeit a pound of his flesh to Shylock if he didn't repay his bond.
O= Outline- The 3 things you are going to write about
                     Red, White and Blue sentence
Red= he was willing to die for money to give Bassanio.
White= Shylock hate each other.
Blue= Shylock doesn't show mercy.

In Willam Shakespeare's ' The Merchant of Venice ' a key moment that shocked the reader was when Antonio agreed to a bond of a pound of flesh if he couldn't pay back Shylock,. This was shocking because Antonio hated Shylock and promised to mistreat him in the future. Antonio was willing to die for Bassanio even though he begged him not to take the risk. Finally, because Shylock had never shown mercy and did not at the trial. For these reasons, it is clear that this moment was shocking to the reader.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Critical litrecy

Text: I'm a great friend and I always will be!
  1. What is the text about? Telling your friend that you are a true friend.
  2. Why Is the text written the way it is? Because it is a sentence with an exclamation mark.
  3. Are there gaps in the text? no

Monday, 27 May 2019

No Road? Morse Code!

Yup! Morse code is the game. We are making a game of our own. I had a couple of ideas to choose from but I thought to do something stand out. I chose morse code because its a really helpful way to talk to people who can't talk or hear. We would be assessed with how good are we at coding. We used the site called Sphero Edu. We found most of the info at this site.

Firstly, I chose to do the hot potato game. But most people already chose to do that. It was the same with the second choice- spinning top. I looked at the site and found the idea of the Morse code. At first, my idea was quite simple than I tried to make it more interesting. I don't really know if it is that interesting or not but I tried my best. Here is my planning-

The color is the codes of dots and dashes. I think I did well at planning. But I don't think I did well at coding. The important cades are at slide three. We had to use If, Than, Else statement in our codes. Well, I enjoy doing DTE because I like playing with Sphero. I hope I can continue to do DTE this next term.

The Merchant of Venice- tasks

Vocabulary Find the meanings of the following words: Vehement= showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.Riveted= hold (someone or something) fast so as to make them incapable of movement. Zeal= great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.Stockish=  like a stock: stupid.Quiring= gathering together a set of 24 or 25 pieces of paper that are the same size and the same paper stock.Elopement= Elopement, colloquially speaking, is often used to refer to a marriage conducted sudden and secretive fashion, usually involving a hurried flight away from one's place of residence together with one's beloved with the intention of getting marriedQuarrel= a heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are usually on good term.Void= not valid or legally binding.

Research Jessica and Lorenzo talk of many classical lovers. Select one pair and research their story. Present your findings and explain why you think Jessica and Lorenzo have compared their love to that of your selected pair.

Medea and Jason. Greek mythology. Medea, in Greek mythology, an enchantress who helped Jason, leader of the Argonauts, to obtain the Golden Fleece from her father, King Aeëtes of Colchis. She was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy. She married Jason and used her magic powers and advice to help him.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Shylock Character Study

Shylock Character Study #3
Many characters hold antisemitic views but in places Shakespeare lets
Shylock speaks from the heart and suddenly we see him as a human, not a

In A1S3 when Shylock offers to lend money without interest some argue
that he is being kind, do you agree? yes, Because it will be easy for Antonio
to pay back.

In A3S1 Shylock suffers great losses. Look for suggestions of his sorrow,
loneliness, and feelings for his dead wife. get married, talk to someone

In A4S1 when Shylock is sentenced, we again feel pity for him. Why is this
an achievement for Shakespeare (consider his audience). because at that
time of Shakespeare people were antisemitic. It is really hard to make
people feel pity for a Jew.

The Merchant of Venice is considered a comedy, however the character of
Shylock makes it feel more of a tragi-comedy. Do you feel he is portrayed
more as a villain or a victim? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts
with supporting evidence from the play.
victim- Shylock was treated more like a victim. First, he was called a Jew(like
a swear) and then a dog. He was called by other abusive names. Then, his
daughter ran away with his money and jewels. And then, he had to give half
of his property to the government and rest to his daughter and her lover after
death. He also had to change his religion from Jew to Christian.

It has been argued that the play should be renamed ‘The Jew of Venice’.
Why do you think this is? Would it change your initial view of the play?
Would it be a more suitable name? Although the story was mostly about
Shylock, But that time the Jew was a big problem. It would not change our
initial view because we thought that Shylock was the Merchant Until the end
of the story.

Monday, 20 May 2019

The Merchant of Venice- Act 5- Scene 1

Why do Lorenzo and Jessica remind each of the stories of classical lovers?  To express how much they love each other

What are Portia's feelings as she approaches the house? Exciting as she wants to see her husbands expressions when she asks about the ring.

What is the first argument to break out? ‘’By yonder moon, I swear you do me wrong, In faith, I gave it to the judge's clerk’

How do Gratiano and Bassanio try to justify parting with the rings, are they successful? They try telling them that nothing is more precious than their friend's life. And they do not succeed.

Was Bassanio right to give away the ring, give reasons for your thinking. No, he should have denied because he promised his wife he is not taking it out until death.

Complete this quote to show the effect these arguments have on Antonio?  ‘I once did lend my body for his wealth, … I dare be bound again, my soul upon the forfeit that your lord will never more break faith advisedly’

Portia and Nerissa have the rings. What does this prove to Antonio, Gratiano and  Bassanio? they prove their inagents and loyalty as a wife

Clitical Literecy

Line: I gave my love a ring and made him swear never to part with it.
  1. What is the text about? A wife giving her husband a ring and asking him to swear to never take it off.
  2. Why Is the text written the way it is?  because they are using the Venetian language
  3. Are there gaps in the text? no

Monday, 13 May 2019

What do Dictators mostly have?

What is a dictator? A person with absolute power.

S- Statement

E- Explanation
E- Example
L- Link
L.O= To find out about different forms of Government and understand how governments differ from each other.
Image result for dictator
I believe that a dictator is a person who bosses on a state. Most countries have dictators. Dictators are mostly cruel, unfair, and greedy.China was also a dictator country. Most Common thing in a dictator is the power resides within people.

The Merchant of Venice- Act 4- Line study

  1. A4S1 Line 70-83, Antonio gives us three short images of how useless any attempt by Bassanio to save his life will be
  • What are they?
  1. I pray you, think you question with the Jew.
  2. You may as well use question with the wolf Why he hath made the ewe hath for the lamb.
  3. You may as well do anything most hard, as seek to soften that- than which what's harder?- His Jewish heart.
  • What do they tell us about one of Shakespeare's interests? He likes Idioms.
  • Do you think this is an effective way of demonstrating the problem? Yes, That might tell Bassanio and others how hard is the heart of Shylock.
  • Each example is an extreme and impossible, what influence does this have on how you expect the rest of the scene to develop. My expectations on the development of the scene was that Shylock Would have forgiven Antonio.

  1. A4S1 L90-100, Shylock uses vivid comparisons when he wants to make a point.

  • What example does he use to illustrate the fact that the pound of flesh is his: ‘tis mine and I will have it’? He is really stubborn and he wants his pound of flesh.
  • It is much longer comparison than the three used by Antonio but do you think it is more striking/effective/convincing? Kind of yes because he does not have any money left and he is depressed he will probably sell the flesh to get some money unless he wants to sell his property until further judgements.

Critical Litrecy

"I'll Cut Your Flesh off you".
  1. What is the text about? How do I  know? It Is about a man trying to cut a pound flesh of another man. It is a written text in a book.
  2. Why Is the text written the way it is?  Because it is an old language.
  3. Are there gaps in the text? No, This is a straight forward text.

Friday, 10 May 2019

The Merchant of Venice- Act 4- Scene 1

What does the Duke believe Shylock intends to do? he thinks
he will let Antonio off.

What does Shylock intend to do? not answer and cut the flesh
off Antonio.

Finish this quote that tells us why, ‘You’ll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh, than to receive three thousand ducats. I’ll not answer that, but to say it is my humour, is it answered?’

What two loopholes does Portia find in the wording of the
contract? There shouldn't be a drop of blood on the floor. If it
weighs 1 less or 1 more than 1 pound Shylock dies.

Shylock now has to pay penalties. Complete this quotes that tell us what the penalties are: ‘I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it, For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's, the other half comes to the general state’

Are the penalties fair? no, shylock only wanted to go on with his
bond but everything got turned around.

How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result? they get half of
shylock's property after he dies.

What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant? the
gloves from Antonio and the rings from Bassanio.

Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’. How
does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much
mercy is she willing to show him? she is telling her on how God
gives mercy the same applies to human.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

The Merchant of Venice- Act 3- Scene / Task

In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity
=Jews can't eat pork because if they start eating pork, the price of pork will go up.

What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia
=She has the joy and there is no other woman like her

Vocabulary Find the meanings of the following words:

Tainted= contaminate or pollute

Ecstasy= an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.

Converted=  having been adapted to be suitable for a new purpose.

Vantage= a place or position affording a good view of something.

Oration= a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion.

Constitution= a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

Envious= feeling or showing envy.

Forfeit= lose or be deprived of property or a right or privilege as a penalty for wrongdoing.

Create - We have learnt that Antonio’s ships were wrecked at sea. Write a narrative from the perspective of one of the ships crewman about the events that led to the ships eventual sinking. Use descriptive and emotive vocabulary to entice your reader.
It was a dark stormy-looking night. I was scared because usually when sea storms come they harm our ships. But I stood up being brave telling myself that doesn't always happen. There's a 50% chance of not getting shipwrecked.

I and my crew sat down having some tea. Suddenly, the lightning struck and it started raining. After a little while, the wind slowly started blowing. We started to get ready to survive the storm. We had kits to survive the rain and the wind. But something unusual happened. A big wave washed our ship. 

Everything got washed away. There was nothing on the boat. The boat broke in half. I saw some of my friends dead and some of them were saving their lives. Everything around me seemed like a dream. Suddenly, I heard my mate shouting help. I swam towards him. My mate and I swam to the closest beach which was about 500km away. I was so glad I survived but I was also sad for my other mates who died.

Monday, 6 May 2019

The Merchant of Venice= Act 3- scene4

Finish this quote that shows Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio? ‘But if you knew of whom you show this honour, how true a gentleman you send relief

What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do? dressed as nuns
and pray until Bassanio is back.

What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why? to
be the masters until she comes back.

Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?

Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?to see
Man's behavior.

In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe the behavior and
attitudes of young men? = they lie about a lot of things.

Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected
behavior of a wife? no

The Merchant of Venice- Act 3- Scene 3

Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use quotes from the text to support your answer.
=he seeks my life, his reason I well know.

Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio?
=because that would threaten the security of all foreign merchants in Venice.

Why does Antonio seem resigned to his fate. What two important realizations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.
=because Antonio let others escape Shylock's bond.
=if the judge lets Antonio off, he has to let everyone out.

Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?
=yes, he had hope that Bassanio would pay him off but now he just hopes he will be there to see him die.

Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy, but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas:

Is mercy the same as forgiveness? no
Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge? Its easier to show mercy
Is justice the same as fairness? yes
Is true justice possible in this case?no